Why is this good news for children and parents?

  • Children who receive high quality care and healthy bonding and attachment in the first thousand days of their life are less likely to require health services than children without such care in their early years.
  • The new bill radically streamlines the adoption and care of children, especially now that leave will be granted from the moment of placement, meaning that parents will not have to wait for an adoption order before they receive leave and benefits.
  • Mothers who have just given birth are unlikely to be able to singlehandedly do all the care work required to keep an infant safe and healthy. If she’s had a C-section, a new mother would require at least ten days to recover before she can lift and carry a baby on her own. Most women depend on their families to help out, but now that men will receive some paid leave, new dads could step in and share the care work at this crucial time.
  • This would provide an all-important opportunity for dads to connect emotionally to their children, thereby establishing a foundation for a lifetime connection.