MenCare Annual Report 2014

Engaging Men in a 4-Country Initiative

MenCare+: Engaging men in a 4-Country Initiative – is a three-year (2013-2015), four country collaboration between Rutgers WPF and Promundo-US, working with long-term national and regional partners. Girls’ and women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights are critically hindered by rigid gender and cultural norms for women and men. Women often lack decision-making power and are at greater risk of HIV and gender-based violence. MenCare+ engages boys and men in social change and to improve the health of women, men and children, as caregiving partners to stop gender-based violence, and to build respectful relationships. Fatherhood offers an opportunity to reach young and adult men with a new perspective on manhood. When men become more involved and supportive as fathers and partners, intimate relationships improve and violence decreases, women’s rights advance, and children have better development outcomes. MenCare+ started in 2013. This document describes the results of 2014, the second year of the MenCare+ programme.