MenEngage Africa Evaluation of Activities: Phase 1

July 2014 – November 2017

MEA seeks to have the following impact, “women, men and children enjoy more equitable, healthy and happy relationships that contribute to the development of just and democratic societies”.

During this phase of the programme, the focus of activities has been on building the MEA structures and networks. This evaluation has found that there has been extensive capacity building, and that the technical support provided, on-going training, as well as the sub-grants, have made an important contribution to strengthening structures, and that both the Regional and Country Steering Committees are formally constituted and have regular meetings. Both focus and non-focus countries explain the ways in which the capacity building has enhanced their ability to undertake advocacy and programme activities, though it is evident that this is more strongly expressed in countries that are receiving the grants. This evaluation also found evidence that the technical support, that the members of the country secretariats received, has enhanced their ability to seek and secure funding for the work of the network. The role of MATI was specifically cited as contributing to the ability of the network to undertake these activities and to mobilise local resources.