Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of Men in Fast-Tracking the End of AIDS

Meeting Concept Note

The high level meeting on the “Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of Men in Fast-Tracking the End of AIDS”, will agree on the key elements to Fast-Track the HIV response among men and boys as a way of improving outcomes for them and their partners.

This discussion will be informed by a collective analysis of how harmful gender norms drive the HIV epidemic among men and women, a review of the current state of the HIV epidemic among men, their access and utilization of HIV services, and whether the health systems are responsive to the needs of men and adolescent boys.

In addition, the meeting will include a review of promising approaches to engage men and adolescent boys to challenge harmful gender norms, which increase both men’s and women’s vulnerabilities to HIV, and strategies to increase men’s access and utilization of HIV services.


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Men & HIV