Research for advocacy and Gender Transformative Approaches training in Ethiopia, Malawi and Uganda

Sonke Gender Justice and MenEngage Africa, through the funding from Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation,  NORAD, recently conducted a multi-country training for implementing partners of the SRHR4ALL project. Held from November 17th to 21st, 2024, the training equipped 18 partners in Ethiopia, Uganda, and Malawi with crucial skills in Research for Advocacy and Gender Transformative Approaches (GTA).

Research for advocacy Training in Malawi

The SRHR4ALL project aims, among other things, to generate insights and a better understanding of the processes that determine and strengthen people’s sexual and reproductive health and their ability to claim their sexual and reproductive rights. The program strives to contribute to improving and innovating SRHR policies and practices, with a special focus on empowering young people and key populations in Africa. This training is essential for equipping partners with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively advocate for causes and influence public policy. It is also crucial for promoting evidence-based approaches to SRHR programming, documentation, and learning, while enhancing the capacity to strengthen program delivery.

The purpose of the capacity enhancement training was to improve partners’ understanding and deployment of GTA approaches in SRHR programming and in building evidence of programme interventions for learning and advocacy.

Other objectives of the training included:

  • Understanding key concepts and definitions, acquiring basic skills on rationale behind evidence-based advocacy and why it is critical to our work
  • Improving partners understanding and knowledge of using advocacy research to influence policy interventions

Research for Advocacy Training in Uganda

“This training is vital for our partners to effectively advocate for the rights and needs of the communities they serve,” said Sonke’s Regional SRHR Coordinator, Runyararo. “By equipping them with the tools and knowledge to conduct research, utilize GTA approaches, and influence policy, we are empowering them to create lasting change in the field of SRHR.”she adds.

The training included interactive sessions, discussions, and knowledge-sharing among partners. Participants expressed enthusiasm for the training, emphasizing the importance of these skills for effective program implementation and achieving meaningful impact.

“The sessions were incredibly enlightening and empowering, providing me with clear steps to plan and implement my advocacy efforts at both the policy and community levels. Discussions on evidence-based advocacy, policy development cycles, and creating an advocacy roadmap were invaluable in shaping the direction of my work. Sharing experiences with other organizations provided profound insights that strengthened my advocacy approach. Inspired by these learnings, I even integrated these insights into my 16 Days of Activism efforts, crafting evidence-based, step-guided, and impactful advocacy initiatives”, says Biruktawit Taye, Tamra for Social Development Organization, Ethopia.

Research for Advocacy Training  in Ethiopia.

Sonke and MenEngage Africa strongly believe in youth engagement. Young people know their situation best, what needs they have, and they can work towards their own solutions. It is critical to provide adequate resources and support to enable young people’s agency!