A call to celebrate the achievements, contributions, and resilience of women

Barriers to career advancement, pay disparities, and difficulties balancing work and family responsibilities, are just some of the challenges women are grappling with today. While South Africa is progressive in advancing women, gender inequality persists as women bear the brunt of this form of discrimination. This is according to Sonke’s Regional Senior Trainer for MenEngage Africa, Micheline Muzaneza. 

Originally from Burundi, Muzaneza says the challenges women face in modern day society are universal, regardless of where in the world you are. Her role in Sonke includes building the capacity of advocates, activists, and change agents to integrate gender transformative approaches into their work and facilitate dialogues that address harmful gender norms and power dynamics.

‘’ The work I do is essential for advancing social justice and creating a more equitable world, through these trainings we raise critical consciousness about the social construction of gender and its impacts, we also address the root causes of gender inequalities, which are closely linked to other forms of oppression and marginalisation.’’ she says. 

Seasoned in this line of work, Muzaneza believes the disproportionate burden of unpaid domestic and caregiving labour restricts women’s ability to participate fully in the workforce and public life, and that difficulties accessing education and economic opportunities in some parts of the world, contribute to gender-based inequalities.

‘’Addressing these challenges will require intensive efforts on multiple fronts such as legal, cultural, economic, and social spaces to create a more equitable and inclusive society for women. It’s an ongoing struggle, but progress is being made in many African countries that I have visited’’ she adds. 

Muzaneza says one of the ways to honour women this month is through mentorship and skill-building programs to help develop the next generation of women leaders ‘’the message I want to share this Women’s month is one of solidarity, empowerment and a renewed commitment to achieving true gender equity. We need to advocate for continued progress on gender equality, women’s rights, and empowering women economically, socially, and politically, we must also highlight the stories and successes of women leaders, innovators, and change-makers across various fields’’

‘’Beyond Women’s month let us support women-led initiatives that uplift and create opportunities for women, raise awareness about issues disproportionately affecting women, such as gender-based violence, and calling for stronger prevention and support measures, and amplify the voices of diverse women, including those from marginalised communities, to ensure their experiences and needs are centred’’. She concludes.