Sonke condemns abuse of the elderly by retirement home

Sonke is alarmed by reports of abuse, rape and neglect at the Ipeleng Bagodi old age home in the Jericho, North West province. 

The illegal centre, which is non-compliant with the Non-profit Organisations Act, recently made headlines when two of its residents were arrested for an alleged murder of a fellow resident Godfrey Motsepe Thema. There have also been numerous allegations of rape and abuse by the facility employees earlier this year. 

“Sonke strongly denounces the abuse of the elderly. It is unfortunate that these victims experience abuse in what is supposed to be their safe space. It is unacceptable that a centre that has been declared illegally is still operating. It must close pending investigations, and the Department of Social Development must ensure that all perpetrators of these crimes face the full might of the law. We also encourage that the victims are their families be offered psychosocial support.” Bafana Khumalo, Co-Executive Director of Sonke Gender Justice. 

The 15th of June marked World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, which shines a spotlight on the human rights violation experienced by elderly at the hand of those around them. In the recent weeks there has been several reports of abuse of the elderly even within family environments. This points to a serious challenge confronting the country where the vulnerable are exposed to numerous forms of abuse. It is an indictment on all of us that we do not excecise much care for the vulnerable. 

Sonke calls on communities to exercise solidarity with all and embrace the culture of care. Authorities must leave no stone unturned in ensuring that those that are placed in harms way are provided adequate support and those responsible are held accountable. 

Issued by Sonke Gender Justice.

For media enquiries contact

Kgomotso Mophulane, Communications & Strategic Information Manager, Sonke Gender Justice on or 0835196187.

Bafana Khumalo, Co-Executive Director, Sonke Gender Justice: or 082 5784479.

Note to editors

Sonke is a South African-based non-profit organisation working throughout Africa. We believe women and men, girls and boys can work together to resist patriarchy, advocate for gender justice, and achieve gender transformation. For media releases, reports and news visit and