Sonke demands justice for Gender Based Violence victim outside Cape Town High Court

Sonke Gender Justice, supported by civil society organisations and community members from Nyanga and Gugulethu townships, took to the streets in a demonstration outside the Cape Town High Court on the 10th of May 2024, to submit a memorandum to the Chief Prosecutor, as an expression of the disappointment, frustration, and concern with respect to the handling of cases of gender-based violence and femicide in the province. In this instance, the focus was on the matter of Ziyanda Ndabeni, a 22 year old female resident of Nyanga township, who was raped and brutally stabbed to death with her body dumped in Hazendaal Park, Phillipi in 2016. Since the accused was arrested and formally charged before court in 2020, the case has suffered a series of postponements, reasons for which are not quite clear to the concerned members of the community. 

‘’More than two hundred people attended the gathering from various organisations, including Baphi Abafazi, People’s Health Movement and Klipfontein Heath Forum and many others, the participants were engaged and it was a robust demonstration, it was indeed successful as we were able to hand over the memorandum to the duty bearers’ ‘said Sikhangele Mabulu, Wellness Centre Coordinator. 

Young and full of life,  Ziyanda Ndabeni left her home in Nyanga township having informed those she lived with that she was going to retail store Shoprite, little did she know that she would never make it back home. Her family together with the community launched a search party, only to find her mutilated body in Phillipi. 

The victim’s family was also attended the demonstration by Sonke, and this is what her sister Thandiwe Ndabeni had to say ‘’ As the Ndabeni family we want to appreciate Sonke Gender Justice for this initiative, and encourage you continue fighting for other families who cannot stand up for themselves, be the voice for the voiceless. Without you we wouldn’t be where we are now in terms of pushing for justice for our daughter, although some South African Police Services members have not been cooperative, some are doing their best to assist with this case’’. 

With this picket, Sonke demanded a comprehensive update on the status of this case providing clarity on reasons for postponements, an intervention by the Chief Prosecutor of Cape Town to ensure that there are no further delays by the State and clarification on the action that shall be taken by the National Prosecuting Authority towards the swift and efficient finalisation of this matter.