In commemoration of the International Women’s Day, Sonke Gender Justice and MOSAIC Training, Service & Healing Centre (MOSAIC) hosted a multi-stakeholder dialogue under the theme; ‘From Policy to Accountability: Challenges and Opportunities in addressing Intimate Partner Violence’. The dialogue took place at Capital Melrose, Melrose North, Johannesburg on 08 March 2022.
The dialogue explored state and non-state responses to addressing intimate partner violence (IPV) and to mobilise the commitment of relevant government departments and other stakeholders to address challenges and barriers to the effective implementation of laws and policies aimed at addressing intimate partner violence in South Africa.
About the Dialogue
The dialogue deliberated on key issues and challenges to access to IPV services identified through policy analysis and the lived experiences of survivors of IPV.
This initial dialogue brought together approximately 25 representatives from government and civil society stakeholder groups actively engaged in responding to IPV. Participants were invited on the basis of their contribution to the issues of women’s safety and elimination of IPV.