Integrated Development Plan

Municipal Systems Act 2000 defines IDP as the principal strategic planning instrument for Municipalities. Key features of IDP must include

Spatial analysis

  • This involves urban planning, transportation planning, and land use management.
  • The IDP can reverse spatial planning that caused disadvantage to communities that came from Apartheid

Service delivery

  • S4(2) Municipal Systems Act provides for duty of the municipality to provide municipal services in a financially & environmentally stable manner

Local Economic Development

  • Includes job creation, assisting with small businesses establishment providing training and workshops on establishment and running of small business

Transformation and organizational Development

  • Municipalities this overall includes the improvement of quality of life of the municipal community through building up different facets of the community

Financial management

  • There should be a money commitment to project plans. into S4(2) a clear budget should be set for the projects to be embarked on. It is therefore the right of the ward councillor and community member to ask, “How much has been allocated to…..?”

Public Participation

  • S4(2) requires the municipality to encourage public participation. It is the responsibility of the Municipality to facilitate this process
  • This is not a side story or as an afterthought. The IDP needs to be built from the ground (the people) going up to the Municipality itself
  • Section 152 of the South African Constitution says that local government must “encourage the involvement of communities and community organisations in matters of local government”.