Women’s Month | Men and boys key in fighting gender-based violence and femicide: Bafana Khumalo

Alarming gender-based violence and femicide reported cases continue to be a scourge in South Africa, with women and girls bearing the brunt of the violent crimes. Recently, President Cyril Ramaphosa called for men across the country to take a stand against gender-based violence and femicide by signing a virtual pledge. He also urged all of society to work together to end gender-based violence and called on men who live by positive values to assist other men to mend their conduct and to report instances of abuse and related wrongdoing. SABC Morning Live show took a closer look at the role that men are playing in the fight against gender-based violence and femicide by talking to men who are playing a positive role. Bafana Khumalo, co-executive director of the Sonke Gender Justice, weighed in on the conversation.