Sonke staff participate in silent march against Xenophobia

Sonke staff members participated in a silent march against Xenophobia, organised by the Methodist Church in Mfuleni. Another march, led by Sonke’s MenCare+ team will take place in Mfuleni next week on April 27 2015 @ 10:00. #NOTOXENOPHOBIA

Street soccer for reintegration

Street soccer for reintegration

Street soccer for reintegration: One of the ways Sonke Gender Justice responded to the 2008 xenophobic attacks. One Man Can Stop Xenophobia – Soccer for Reintegration

Zithulele wonders what kind of father he will be

Zithulele wonders what kind of father he will be

Zithulele is a writer and performer from South Africa. He ponders the meaning of fatherhood in his life, past and present. As a child, he was regularly disciplined and beaten by his father. As an adult, he loves his father dearly and thanks him for making him the person he is today. In the end, […]

Share these pictures taken in the wake of the 2008 xenophobic violence

These pictures were taken in the wake of the 2008 xenophobic violence. We didn’t use the posters then. It’s tragic that we need to now. Please use and share as needed. Sonke stands against xenophobia These pictures were taken in the wake of the 2008 xenophobic violence. We didn’t use the posters then. It’s tragic […]

Czerina Patel talks about the Boko Haram abductions on SABC

A year on the attack on the Chibok Secondary School in Nigeria remains the largest abduction by Boko Haram since it increasingly started targeting schools and students in early 2012, worsening already dire education levels in the north-eastern part of Nigeria, which has the lowest primary and secondary school net attendance ratio in the country. […]

MenEngage Alliance at the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women

The 59th Commission on the Status of Women took place from 9-20 March 2015. It was a historical one as we commemorated the 20th anniversary of the 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing, which marked the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. MenEngage was well represented through the activities of the […]

Calling for applications to attend our Religion, Gender and Sexuality Workshop

Sonke, MenEngage Africa, the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and Wits Institute for Diversity Studies (WICDS) are calling for applications to attend our Religion, Gender and Sexuality Workshop to be held from 1-5 June, 2015 in Johannesburg. This workshop aims to bring together members of faith communities from diverse religions to explore questions such as: […]

Sonke criticizes South African Human Rights Commission

Sonke has slated the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) for delaying findings of an investigation into the alleged promotion of corporal punishment by the Joshua Generation Church. Sonke had joined a complaint by Hannah and Adriaan Mostert against the church in July 2013, after the church had published a parenting manual on its website […]

Malusi lets go of self-hatred to forge a new life


Malusi educates men and boys about gender issues in South Africa. He came to this work as a result of losing access to his young daughter. When he and her mother broke up, he was prevented from seeing her and slid into a pattern of drinking and drug use. Eventually, Malusi saw that his only […]

Sisonke Msimang interviewed in M&G feature on mainstreaming feminism in South Africa

What happened to feminism in South Africa? Sisonke Msimang, a Policy Development and Advocacy consultant for Sonke Gender Justice speaks on the issue in this article in this week’s Mail & Guardian. The bokkie stops here: Let’s make feminism fashionable again The fight for women’s rights has too often been stigmatised and ignored in […]

Nobel Women’s Initiative features Sonke’s Micheline Muzaneza

From our friends Nobel Women’s Initiative – about Sonke’s Refugee Health and Rights Coordinator Micheline Muzaneza [CP] Timeline Photos Micheline Muzaneza works with Sonke Gender Justice, an organization engaging men in the conversation on ending sexual violence in South Africa. She is dedicated to working with the refugee population that has fled the violence in […]

UNDP in Sudan adapt Sonke’s One Man Can campaign to the Sudanese context

In post-conflict settings men often experience a loss of power coupled with unemployment. To reinstate their power, some become abusive to their partners and families. It is against this backdrop that the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Sudan, together with the Sudanese government decided to adapt Sonke’s One Man Can Campaign to the Sudanese […]

Great press coverage of Sonke’s parliamentary march calling for urgent TB response

Great coverage of our joint march to parliament calling for an urgent response to TB, including nice quote from Sonke Community Action Team member Mthetho Molekazi: “A former prisoner and now member of the Sonke Gender Justice and Beyond the Bars support group for ex-inmates, Mthetho Molekazi, said he had contracted TB twice while in […]