Sonke Gender Justice statement on budget votes for SA’s Ministry of Women

Sonke Gender Justice (“Sonke”) welcomes the creation of the new Ministry of Women and its location in the Office of the Presidency. We support Minister Susan Shabangu’s commitment, as stated in her 16 July speech on the budget vote,to improving monitoring and evaluation and gender-responsive budgeting. During this time of transition, we urge the Minister […]

Sonke at the 20th International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia

Please find attached the schedule of panels and events at which Sonke delegates will be presenting during the 20th International AIDS Conference (IAC) this week in Melbourne. If you’re at the IAC, please look out for our delegates and also for our MIND THE GAP stickers bringing attention to the urgent need for health systems […]

Sonke supports petition for 10 days paternity leave in South Africa

This month, Hendri Terblanche gave birth to an important petition, just eight months after his twin children were born prematurely. His petition, which seeks to provide new fathers with 10 days paternity leave, was submitted to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) and officially received and acknowledged by NCOP Chair, Thandi Modise, two weeks ago. […]

Expresso Morning Show – SABC 3

Sonke followers, you can also share your views on the debate on Expresso Morning Show – SABC 3 Facebook page Sonke Gender Justice is a NGO and this morning we focus on one of their various portfolios (MenCare). Initiating steps to encourage parents to use positive discipline rather than spanking or hitting their children. What do […]

MenEngage Alliance Statement on recent Post-2015 Open Working Group Session

Sonke Gender Justice commends those Member State representatives of the Open Working Group (OWG) of the General Assembly who have made statements or taken actions to support gender equality. MenEngage is a global alliance of NGOs and UN agencies that seeks to engage boys and men to achieve gender equality, including more than 400 NGOs […]

Sonke’s Wessel van den Berg and Andre Lewaks will be on Radio RSG today

Sonke’s Wessel van den Berg and Andre Lewaks will be on Radio RSG today, on a show called Growing Pains (Groeipyne with Johan van Lill) from 12-12:30pm – they are talking to parents about how to use positive discipline and about Sonke’s efforts to promote positive ways of parenting that spare the spank as well […]

Civil Society applauds verdict in sex work murder case

The Sex Worker Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), Sisonke Sex Worker Movement, the Women’s Legal Centre and Sonke Gender Justice welcome the judgment handed down by the Western Cape High Court on 29 April 2014 that found double murder accused Johannes de Jager guilty of raping and murdering Hiltina Alexander, a sex worker, in May […]

Sisonke Msimang named a New Voices Fellow at the Aspen Institute

Sonke Gender Justice congratulates Sisonke Msimang, Director of Advocacy and Accountability at Sonke, who has just been named a New Voices Fellow at the Aspen Institute, an educational and policy studies organization based in Washington, DC. The Aspen Fellowship is a groundbreaking initiative, supported by the Bill; Melinda Gates Foundation, designed to bring more expert […]

Second Global MenEngage Symposium

MenEngage announces the second MenEngage Global Symposium which will be held In New Delhi, India from November 10-13th, 2014. The symposium will bring together researchers, practitioners, advocates, activists, government representatives and the donor community to share experiences, evidence and insights, and to explore how men and boys can creatively contribute to gender equality and towards […]

Three of our peer educators share their stories

Here are three beautiful short documentaries chronicling the lives of three of our peer educators working on our One Man Can community mobilisation randomised control trial in Bushbuckridge. Each of these is only five minutes long and absolutely worth watching. Filmmaker Colby Gottert beautifully documents stories of transformation through Sonke’s One Man Can (OMC) community mobilisation project […]