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International Youth Day 2020

In many parts of the world, particularly in Africa, the majority of young people feel there is a lack of meaningful engagement with the youth to address the world’s challenges. This was the view shared by young people under the MenEngage Africa youth programme on International Youth Day, 12 August 2020. But far from being apathetic and hopeless, they believe the youth have an opportunity to take action themselves and play a meaningful role to ensure that they add their voices towards making sustainable change and development take place. They share their thoughts in the multi-media package we share below.

MenEngage Africa calls on Zimbabwe to stop rights abuses

Zimbabwe has been in the news for blatant police and military brutality and impunity meted against citizens, activists and journalists. MenEngage Africa Alliance joined other activists and civil society organisations to call on the authorities in Zimbabwe to desist from silencing and clamping down on democracy and human rights defenders.

Men need to take care of their health

“I have noticed male gender activists working so hard engaging community members through dialogues, workshops or seminars, but very seldom do you find them discussing their own personal challenges. Even if one of the male gender activists cries out for help we hardly listen and help the person find solutions. Do men challenge themselves to take care of their health and support each other if one of them is drowning? The answer is simply, No! As men and boys we need to take care of our own health very seriously,” writes Vusi Cebekhulu, Social and Structural Drivers (SSD) Coordinator for MenEngage Africa.

MenEngage Togo and partners engage with government on GBV

In July, MenEngage Togo hosted a workshop on the “National Validation of the Qualitative Study on Masculinity, Femininity and Gender Relations in Togo”. The study examined concepts of masculinity and femininity, how the definitions of these concepts are linked to gender-based violence (GBV) and how they affect gender equity and sexual health and reproductive health rights.

Ruling in Josina Machel matter is a travesty of justice

After spending time, energy and resources fighting to get justice in the case of the man who beat her and left her blind in one eye, Josina Machel, daughter of Samora and Graca Machel, the first president and First Lady of Mozambique, was dealt a further blow when the country’s Higher Appeal Court overturned the man’s conviction. MenEngage Africa condemned the ruling.

Nigeria sees rape increases during lockdown

Within just three months of the Covid-19 lockdown – from March to July – Nigeria experienced a dramatic upsurge in rape cases nationwide, with 3 600 cases reported.

Dealing with gender-based violence in Nigeria

Dr Chris Ugwu, the Executive Director of the Secretariat of MenEngage Nigeria, Society for the Improvement of Rural People (SIRP), appeared on Shagalinku TV to speak about the rise in gender-based violence and how to address it.

Engaging Men in GBV and HIV prevention, SRHR promotion and parenting

This report explores the strength and weakness of selected relevant policies, laws and plans in terms of engaging men and boys in Tanzania. The report examines five key areas for engaging men that are crucial for gender equality: HIV and AIDS; Gender-based violence (GBV); Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR); Parenting; and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Rights.