- 021 423 7088
- info@genderjustice.org.za
- Whistleblower: 0800 333 059
“Over the past two months, I have had the opportunity to take part in the MATI Building a feminist peace in Africa training course, organized by MenEngage Africa and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). The training, …
Read MoreAs a female gender advocate, I have spent years addressing the challenges women face in achieving equality. Typically, the focus has been on empowering women and advocating for policy changes that dismantle patriarchal systems. However, my recent experience in the …
Read MoreSonke would like to express its gratitude for the funding support from Norad – the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation – in this edition’s Donor Corner. Norad is a professional body under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), working towards achieving the …
Read MoreThe Domestic Violence Amendment 14 of 2021 has been in operation as of 14 of April 2023. The Act makes it compulsory for specific people to report domestic violence. Adult person or Functionary: medical practitioner, healthcare personnel, a social worker, …
Sonke wants to express its gratitude for funding support from Irish Aid. Irish Aid is the Government of Ireland’s official international development aid programme, managed by the Development Co-operation and Africa Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs. Irish Aid …
Read MoreIn commemoration of International Women’s Day 2024, USAID Khutlo in collaboration with the International Human Rights Lab and National university of Lesotho faculty of Law, convened a moot court and debate session in Maseru Lesotho, under the theme Inspire Inclusion. …
Read MoreThe 3rd annual MEA symposium was held in August this year under the theme: “Accountability and Transformation through Gender-Equitable Evidence-Based Programming”. Jointly organised by MenEngage Africa, Sonke Gender Justice and Rwanda Men’s Resource Centre-RWAMREC, the hybrid event brought together about …
Read MoreThe report presents findings from an evaluation of the MenCare 50:50 programme implemented through educational sessions with men and couples to promote gender equality in homes and improve overall family well-being. This is with the aim of promoting positive and …
ABUJA – Nigeria’s capital Abuja will host the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of members of MenEngage Nigeria between Tuesday February 1st and Wednesday February 2nd, a member of the Global MenEngage Alliance. The two-day event which will also incorporate the …
Read MoreUnder the Global Spotlight Initiative, MenEngage Africa engaged Religious and Traditional Leaders for a Gender Transformation Training in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania in eliminating harmful practices such as FGM and child marriages, tackling toxic masculinity and promoting gender equality from …
Read MoreHello! Sonke Gender Justice and Rutgers invite you to a MenCare Advocacy, Media and Campaigning Webinar: With 3 practical cases and a toolkit on how to do it. Date: Thursday, 11 March 2021 Time: 3pm to 4:30pm CAT Register to participate The …
Read MoreThe Politics of Care seminar series continues on Thursday 25 February as part of the MenEngage Global Ubuntu Symposium (register here). The seminar series unpacks four phases of an ethic of care, and specifically how men can contribute to the cultivation …
Read MoreThe Covid-19 coronavirus has caused a lot of concern and panic globally as the number of infections continue to rise. Social distancing have become the buzzwords, with citizens across the world being advised to stay away from social gatherings and …
Read MoreThe 2nd MenEngage Africa Symposium was recently held in Maputo, Mozambique. The symposium brought together a network of gender justice activists, NGOs, government leaders, policy-makers and other actors working with men and boys on the African continent, to share best practice, learn …
WatchCommitments toward gender equality and women’s rights need to move from rhetoric to action.
Read MoreRural women and girls across Africa are more likely to be victims of harmful traditional practices such as female genital mutilation and child marriage than their urban counterparts.
Read MoreSonke is deeply disappointed by the cabinet reshuffle. On the evening of 26 February 2018, South Africa’s new President Cyril Ramaphosa undermined our confidence. “Placing former Social Development Minister and ANC Women’s League President, Bathabile Dlamini in the position of …
Read MoreThis week on AfricaGender Indaba, we put the spotlight on the 8th Africa Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, which was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, this past week. We look forward to the 2nd MenEngage Africa Symposium …
ListenSonke is a South African-based non-profit organisation working throughout Africa. We believe women and men, girls and boys can work together to resist patriarchy, advocate for gender justice and achieve gender transformation.
Please note that Sonke does not offer counselling or other support services to individuals. Click here for information on where to get help.
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