Addressing HIV and Sexual Violence in Department of Correctional Services Facilities

A Guide to Working with Members of the Department of Correctional Services

This guide was primarily developed to build the capacity of DCS members to address inmate vulnerabilities to HIV and sexual abuse in South Africa’s prisons. It is intended to be used in workshop settings as a resource and facilitation guide for those working on issues of gender, HIV, sexual violence, and prisons. The guide aims to foster positive action and change and empower participants to become change agents in their own lives and in the correctional centres in which they work. While we have arranged this guide to cover a two-day period, we encourage you to take as long as necessary to cover all of the topics. It can be fruitful to delve more thoroughly into each topic, easily allowing for these materials to be covered over three or four days. We have indicated core activities to undertake each date, with the rest to be undertaken depending on time availability or as follow-up.