- 021 423 7088
- info@genderjustice.org.za
- Whistleblower: 0800 333 059
On the 23rd of October 2024, the High Court issued a landmark judgment in the case of Werner van Wyk and others v Minister of Employment and Labour (“van Wyk case”). The High Court declared certain sections of 25 and …
The State of South Africa’s Fathers 2024: Changing narratives of fatherhood: What does it mean to be a father in South Africa today? The third State of South Africa’s Fathers (SOSAF) report confronts the evolving realities of fatherhood in a …
SAfAIDS, Sonke Gender Justice, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) aim to enhance knowledge and awareness about unpaid care work and its connection to gender-based violence in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa. An independent consultancy firm, Anokha Consulting, was …
On November 19, 2021, Sonke Gender Justice, the Human Science Research Council (HSRC), and Stellenbosch University hosted a virtual launch of State of South Africa’s Fathers report 2021.
Read MoreThis is the second issue of an evolving report, planned for publication every three years. It can be used in the development of policy and legislation for families, labour market regulations, educational curricula, and other training materials. It can be …
This study’s objective was to explore the level of Tanzani- an men’s engagement in parenting, caregiving, Child Rights Protection (CRP), promoting gender equality, and preventing Gender-Based Violence (GBV). The focus on fatherhood stems from its importance as an entry-point to …
The Annual General Meeting for MenEngage Youth was held in Tanzanzia from the 7-8th of September in Tanzania and hosted all representatives from the MenEngage Youth countries. The youth gave updates on their country plans and key highlights and regional updates …
Read MoreHello! Sonke Gender Justice and Rutgers invite you to a MenCare Advocacy, Media and Campaigning Webinar: With 3 practical cases and a toolkit on how to do it. Date: Thursday, 11 March 2021 Time: 3pm to 4:30pm CAT Register to participate The …
Read MoreFamilies, parents and caregivers play a vital role in child well-being and development. The family, for example, plays the primary socialisation role in establishing a child’s identity. It is the family that also provides children with love, care, provision and …
This Media Kit seeks to promote men as caregivers and fathers, through media campaigns, educational programmes and advocacy initiatives. Different campaigns tell the stories of men who challenge stereotypes to become more involved care-givers for their children. Other initiatives engage …
Kwakha Indvodza, a member of MenEngage eSwatini has launched a campaign to challenge fathers in eSwatini to reflect and change their ways to adopt a more active role in the home, including child-raising responsibilities, in a deeply patriarchal and conservative …
ListenThis programme brief provides a review of programmes that promote or facilitate the involvement of fathers and father figures in their children’s lives. It provides an overview of parenting programmes across the world and the results of the MenCare South …
UNICEF SA partnered with Sonke Gender Justice for the South African launch of the 2019 State of the World’s Fathers Report, and Engaging Fathers: The MenCare Child Care and Protection Programme Brief in Pretoria on 26 June 2019. Gloria Khoza, …
Read MoreThe State of the World’s Fathers Report 2019 which is compiled by Promundo revealed that 50 minutes a day is the amount time men need every day taking care of the children and doing some chores in the house. This …
ListenEusebius McKaiser of Radio 702 spoke to Wessel Van Der Berg (MenCare Global Fatherhood), Kevin Rutter (Fathers in Africa) and Prof Mzikazi Nduna (Wits University) about a new study on the state of fatherhood in South Africa. Listen to the …
ListenThis report has a big ambition: we are calling for nothing less than full equality between women and men, in the workplace and in the home. The third State of the World’s Fathers is rooted firmly in a feminist analysis …
This report has a big ambition: we are calling for nothing less than full equality between women and men, in the workplace and in the home. The third State of the World’s Fathers is rooted firmly in a feminist analysis …
Men and Boys for Gender Equality (MBGE) calls on government to develop policies for granting parental leave.
Read MoreSonke is a South African-based non-profit organisation working throughout Africa. We believe women and men, girls and boys can work together to resist patriarchy, advocate for gender justice and achieve gender transformation.
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