- 021 423 7088
- info@genderjustice.org.za
- Whistleblower: 0800 333 059
Consistent and effective prison oversight is a crucial means to ensure the protection and promotion of prisoners’ human rights. Not only does regular monitoring, inspecting and reporting serve to prevent human rights abuses of prisoners, it also ensures transparency and …
Sexual violence in prisons is a crime. All rape victims deserve acknowledgement, dignity, protection and care.
This case study examines reform that alleviated severe overcrowding and inhumane conditions in Pollsmoor Male Remand Detention Facility (Pollsmoor Remand), a South African incarceration centre for people awaiting trial and sentencing. From the early 2000s, Pollsmoor Remand has been operating …
In 2018, Zonk’izizwe Odds Development (ZOD) and Beyond the Bars, with the support of Sonke Gender Justice, developed a reentry guide targeting pre- and post-release parolees, to provide support for adjustment to life immediately after prison. The guide essentially provides …
Hierdie handleiding is geskep deur mense op parool en voormalige gevangenes om mense op parool te help om voor en na vrylating meer te wete te kom oor wat parool is en hoe dit werk, en om steun te bied …
Le ncwadi yasungulwa ngabantu abakupharoli kanye neziboshwa zangaphambilini ukusiza abantu abakupharoli ngaphambi nangemuva kokudedelwa ukuthi bazi kabanzi ngokuthi iyini ipharoli nokuthi isebenza kanjani, kanye nokubanikeza usizo lokubalungiselela impilo ngokushesha ngemuva kokuba kade besejele. Khumbula ukuthi le ncwadi yimfishane kakhulu futhi …
Consistent and effective prison oversight is a crucial means by which to ensure that inmates’ rights are monitored and protected. Together with the Judicial Inspectorate of Correctional Services (JICS), judges and parliamentarians are empowered to conducted regular visits to prisons …
Constitutional Court judge Edwin Cameron, Venessa Padayachee, Thulani Ndlovu and Jean Redpath speaks at Sonke’s Criminal Justice Symposium on 22 June 2018. View photos from the event here.
ListenOn 22 June 2018, Sonke Gender Justice hosted a criminal justice symposium, with a focus on bail and sentencing. The purpose for the symposium stemmed from the recognition that the current model and understanding of both bail and sentencing have …
As we commemorate Human Rights Month, here are eight reasons why every judicial officer should be visiting at least one South African prison a year.
Read MoreNabeelah Mia explores the potential benefits that alternatives to imprisonment provide for an already overburdened justice system.
Read MoreOn the anniversary of Sonke and Lawyers for Human Rights’ Pollsmoor overcrowding court victory, we should remember why the state of our prisons matter – and consider what we should be doing to improve conditions.
Read MoreConditions of overcrowding in prisons, together with lack of ventilation, sanitation, oversight or healthcare have an effect on the broader society. We all bear the consequences.
Civil society organisations recognise government’s efforts in reducing overcrowding in Pollsmoor Remand Detention Facility from 252% to 149% in six months.
Read MoreThe ‘One Judge, One Jail’ campaign aims to bring together the judiciary, the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services (JICS) and civil society to strengthen prison oversight and to ensure the humane treatment of prisoners in South African correctional centres.
South African prisons are fraught with conditions that lead to human rights abuses and high rates of sexual violence, HIV transmission and TB infection. Regular monitoring and reporting acts as a preventative measure against human rights abuses in prisons, including …
We tend to think that what happens inside prisons won’t affect everyone on the outside, but that isn’t the case. Here is why.
In December 2016, Sonke and Lawyers for Human Rights launched a court application calling for the increased independence of South Africa’s prison oversight body, the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services. Prison oversight, that is the monitoring, inspecting, reporting on prisons, …
Sonke is a South African-based non-profit organisation working throughout Africa. We believe women and men, girls and boys can work together to resist patriarchy, advocate for gender justice and achieve gender transformation.
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