Men can end sexual harassment

Sexual harassment in the workplace is varied and prevalent in Uganda and there must be stronger commitment to address this illicit act. For far too long, women have been subject to gender-based discrimination and violence in the workplace. The recent allegations of sexual harassment being reported in various media platforms underpin a much larger issue […]

Constitutional Court to hear JICS independence case on 3 March 2020

On 3 March 2020, the confirmation proceedings in the case of Sonke Gender Justice v President and Others will be heard in the Constitutional Court. The hearing follows the Western Cape High Court decision of Boqwana J of 5 September 2019, wherein certain sections of the Correctional Services Act 11 of 1998 were declared unconstitutional. It is […]

A grass-roots intervention to end FGM in North-West Cameroon

Mother of Hope Cameroon (MOHCAM), a member organisation of the MenEngage Africa Youth structure in Cameroon, shares their experience working with traditional leaders to end female genital mutilation in some Muslim communities in the North West Region of the country.

Kenya MenEngage Alliance nominated for DIAR award

MenEngage Africa Alliance is very proud of Kenya MenEngage Alliance (KEMEA) for being nominated to receive an award in the national Diversity and Inclusion Awards and Recognition in Kenya. In this conversation with Khopotso Bodibe, Communications and Media Specialist for MenEngage Africa Alliance, Elias Muindi, Programme Officer for KEMEA, tells us more about the award. […]

Our work is about deconstructing masculinity

“In our quest to achieve gender equality, we must be guided by the principle that our mission as MenEngage Africa (MEA) Alliance is to deconstruct masculinity. It’s not about creating a men’s and boys’ club. Ours is a platform to hold ourselves as men – as well as other men – accountable and to challenge […]

22 African countries converge to promote gender equality

This article was originally written for News Agency of Nigeria by Justina Auta Mr Hassan Sekajoolok, the Chairperson, MenEngage Africa (MEA), a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), says gender inequality has posed great risk to the economic and developmental achievements of Africa. He said this at a two-day meeting of representatives of 22 African countries on Thursday […]

Gender equality will stimulate development in Africa – Swedish Envoy

This article was originally written for News Agency of Nigeria By Justina Auta Swedish Ambassador to Nigeria, Carl-Michael Grans, says gender equality is a means to stimulate more development in African. Grans said this while declaring open the 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Men Engage Africa (MEA) a Non-Governmental Organisation, in Abuja on Wednesday. […]

MenEngage Africa AGM – opening remarks made by Swedish ambassador to Nigeria

The Swedish Ambassador to Nigeria, His Excellency Carl-Michael Grans, gave the opening address at the MenEngage Africa (MEA) Alliance Annual General Meeting (AGM), which opened in Abuja, Nigeria, today (12 February 2020). In his opening remarks, the ambassador emphasised that gender equality is not about being fair to women only, but he pointed out that […]

Speech by the Chairperson MenEngage Africa at the opening of MenEngage Africa Annual General Meeting 2020 in Abuja Nigeria

MenEngage Africa Alliance chairperson, Hassan Sekajoolo, called on alliance members to double their efforts as they continue working with men and boys to promote gender equality. He also called on members to strengthen their work with women’s rights organisations so that, together, we move towards fast-tracking the attainment of gender equality in Africa. Sekajoolo was […]

First ever MenEngage Madagascar Symposium

MenEngage Madagascar is pleased to announce that it will host its first ever Symposium on March 27th 2020. The Symposium will bring together over 100 specialists to address issues related to gender and masculinity under the theme: “Men and boys for gender equality”. The Symposium’s overall aim is to promote the value of involving men […]

Involvement of men and tough action by African leaders needed to end FGM

Thursday, 6th February, marks the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), a procedure that partially or totally removes a female’s external genitalia, causing irreparable and irreversible harm, as well as life-long health and psychological complications. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) estimates that about 200 million girls and women alive today […]

Sonke Gender Justice mourns the loss of veteran broadcaster Xolani Gwala

Today Sonke Gender Justice pays its respects to seasoned broadcaster Xolani Gwala. We are profoundly saddened by the news of his passing after a two year long battle with cancer. His family confirmed the news to his 702 colleagues and listeners this morning. Born in 1975 at Impendle, KwaZulu-Natal, ‘XG’ or Bra X as he […]

Convicted Dros rapist Nicholas Ninow showed no remorse for his actions and sought to evade accountability on the basis of his abuse of drugs and alcohol

Sonke Gender Justice (Sonke) welcomes the judgment of the Pretoria High Court handed down on 17 October, which sentenced convicted child rapist, Nicholas Ninow, to life imprisonment. Ninow was also sentenced to 5 years for drug possession and defeating the ends of justice, which will run concurrently with the life sentence. Crime Statistics for the […]

Launch of the Decriminalisation of Petty By-Laws Campaign in South Africa

Today, World Homeless Day, marks the official launch of a civil society campaign to decriminalise poverty-related by-laws in South Africa. We reject the effective criminalisation of poverty through municipal by-laws currently targeting the poor and the most marginalised in South Africa. Various South African municipalities enforce by-laws criminalising or penalising conduct related to the performance […]

Tribute to fallen champion of women’s & children’s rights in Tanzania

In the passing on of Sabas Masawe in the early hours of 26th September 2019, Tanzania has lost a champion in the struggle for women’s and children’s rights, gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. Until the time of his death, Masawe was the Executive Director of Dogodogo Centre, which works to influence […]

Kwakha Indvodza on a mission to improve men’s health-seeking behaviours

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) programmes in sub-Saharan Africa have been reporting that a disproportionately higher number of women are on treatment compared to men. Compared to women, men are less likely to go for HIV testing, less likely to start ART, more likely to start ART with advanced HIV disease and at older ages – and, […]

Landmark moment for child rights in South Africa

Joint press release by respondents and amici curiae in the case of Freedom of Religion South Africa v Minister of Justice & Constitutional Development & others [Children’s Institute (UCT); Quaker Peace Centre; Sonke Gender Justice; Centre for Child Law; The Parent Centre; Global Initiative to End All Forms of Corporal Punishment of Children; Dullah Omar […]