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Sonke Gender Justice at the 67th CSW

Workshops & Events

MenEngage Africa Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Strategic Plan 2023–2027

Strategic & Operational Plans

Case studies from the Rights, Action, Accountability programme

Case Studies

Engaging Interfaith Toolkit

Curriculum, Training & Tools

Sonke Annual Report 2021

Annual Reports

Fund, Respond, Protect, Collect: A Desktop Review of the legal and policy frameworks that address gender-based violence in Africa


A rapid assessment on the impact of COVID-19 stimulus packages in Sub-Saharan Africa on gender and gender-based violence


2022 Global Health 50/50 Report: Boards for All?

External Reports

Evaluation Report of the MenCare 50:50 Programme implementation in Free State South Africa 2019-2020

Donor Reports

End of term evaluation of the MenCare Campaign Eastern and Southern Africa Project

Donor Reports

MEA Policy Advocacy Strategy on Engaging Men to End FGM

Policy Briefs

Rights, action and accountability


Side-lined: Experiences of sex workers throughout the lockdown


Analysis of the criminal records expungement process in South Africa


State of South Africa’s Fathers 2021


The State of Uganda’s Fathers Report


Submissions with respect to the Prevention of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Bill B9-2018

Parliamentary & Other Submissions

Engaging Men in the Elimination of Child Marriage

Curriculum, Training & Tools

Children’s Rights and Positive Parenting in Zambia

Policy Briefs

State of the Tanzania’s Fathers (SOTFs) Report
