Sonke Gender Justice

Florence Makgarapa reflects on WMATI 2016


“This course has taught me about the importance of involving men and boys in efforts to attain gender equality and it has also taught me that the empowerment of women and girls goes far beyond just giving them education and ensuring that they have an income”, says Gaolape Florence Makgarapa from Francistown, Botswana, about the Women’s Health, Empowerment and Masculinities: Policy Advocacy Training that MenEngage Africa, Sonke Gender Justice and the University of California Global Health Institute’s Centre of Expertise on Women’s Health and Empowerment, are conducting in Gaborone, Botswana.

“What I’m hoping to get in this course is information on actual programmes that have been implemented to address gender equality in other parts of the world, with a view to helping us replicate them in our sphere”, she adds.