Sonke Gender Justice

MenEngage Africa Training Initiative 2016: why we need to engage men and boys to achieve gender equality

WMATI2016 participants' reflections on the course

The fifth MenEngage Africa Training Initiative (MATI) course – offered in partnership with Sonke Gender Justice, the University of California Global Health Institute’s Centre of Expertise on Women’s Health and Empowerment and the MenEngage Africa network – took place in Gaborone, Botswana, from 1 September – 14 September 2016. The course attracted about 30 participants from various sub-regions of the African continent who wanted to get a deeper understanding of how to develop and action policy advocacy for women’s health, empowerment and masculinities – which was the theme of this year’s course. Communications Associate, Khopotso Bodibe, spoke with some of them and discovered that one of the important lessons they got from the course was how important it is to include men and boys in efforts to foster gender equality and gender justice.