Sonke’s Policy Development and Advocacy Specialist, Marlise Richter will be on Radio Islam today at 5:50pm to talk about the need for government to end Operation Fiela, protect foreign nationals, and embrace African Unity:
News Category: On Radio & TV
Czerina Patel talks about the Boko Haram abductions on SABC
A year on the attack on the Chibok Secondary School in Nigeria remains the largest abduction by Boko Haram since it increasingly started targeting schools and students in early 2012, worsening already dire education levels in the north-eastern part of Nigeria, which has the lowest primary and secondary school net attendance ratio in the country. There is no official confirmation of what may have happened to the girls since they were abducted. In the meantime Boko haram has raged on with its campaign of terror in the region, abductions, massacres and rapes spiralling to alarming levels. But has the media done justice to the Chibok girls?
Czerina Patel is the communications manager at rights group Sonke Gender Justice. SABC Digital News chat to her from their CT studios.”
Nokhwezi Hoboyi plans for unwanted pregnancy
Sonke’s Nokhwezi Hoboyi is on Kasi FM now discussing Mmoho – Planning Teens Bright Futures campaign on preventing unintended teenage pregnancies.
You can listen online:
Expresso Morning Show – SABC 3
Sonke followers, you can also share your views on the debate on Expresso Morning Show – SABC 3 Facebook page
Sonke Gender Justice is a NGO and this morning we focus on one of their various portfolios (MenCare). Initiating steps to encourage parents to use positive discipline rather than spanking or hitting their children.
What do you think?
Sonke’s International Programmes Manager talks about sexual violence in conflict on London’s ResonanceFM
Sonke’s International Programmes Manager appeared on “Talking Africa”, a show on London’s Resonance FM, to bring attention to the importance of addressing sexual violence in conflict. Last week, she was in London at the Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict – what was reported as the largest-ever gathering on this subject.
Listen here to this interesting discussion about why sexual violence is so prevalent in areas where there is or has been conflict, and what the global community needs to do to stem this violence:
Sonke’s Child Protection & Positive Discipline portfolio manager talks about positive discipline on Radio RSG
During Child Protection Week, Sonke’s Wessel van den Berg and Andre Lewaks talk on Growing Pains (Groeipyne with Johan van Lill) on Radio Sonder Grense (Radio Without Borders) about how to use positive discipline and about Sonke’s efforts to promote positive ways of parenting that spare the spank as well as the rod.
You can visit the podcast here:
Or get the audio download directly by clicking on this link
Sonke’s Wessel van den Berg and Andre Lewaks will be on Radio RSG today
Sonke’s Wessel van den Berg and Andre Lewaks will be on Radio RSG today, on a show called Growing Pains (Groeipyne with Johan van Lill) from 12-12:30pm – they are talking to parents about how to use positive discipline and about Sonke’s efforts to promote positive ways of parenting that spare the spank as well as the rod.
Radio RSG:
It’s 101.5 FM in JohannesburgLISTEN ONLINE:
Sonke’s Michele Muzaneza interviewed about gender, HIV and GBV on World Aids Day
As part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women and Children, Micheline Muzaneza was interviewed on Espresso about gender, HIV, and gender-based violence.
Sonke’s Dean Peacock on SAFM about African states considering withdrawing from the ICC
Some African states maybe considering withdrawal from the ICC has alarmed activists in Africa and around the world joining SAFM for a discussion on this is Dean Peacock who is the Executive Director at Sonke Gender Justice.
Sonke’s Dean Peacock on SAFM about African States Considering Withdrawing from the ICC
Mbuyiselo Botha on Morning Live about men as victims of violence and abuse
Mbuyiselo Botha speaks to Peter Ndoro on Morning Live about men as victims of violence and abuse. Although prevalent, it is seldom spoken about or researched, because of prevailing societal beliefs about the violent nature of male existence, as well as stigma associated with men admitting to having being subjected to physical or emotional abuse.
Sonke’s Bafana Khumalo speaks on SAFM about “Not in my name” march against men’s violence
The Not in My Name Rally aims to bring all men into the fight against the scourge of gender-based violence in its different forms and shapes. Sonke’s Bafana Khumalo elaborates in this SAFM radio clip.
Sonke on Radio 702 News to discuss Free State police brutality case
Sonke appeared on the Radio 702 news, urging the Independent Police Investigative Directorate to thoroughly probe the attack of a woman by an off-duty police officer in the Free State.
Sonke’s Call for Stop Rape Campaign to be included in school curriculum
Sonke has called on the Department of Education to ensure that it includes The Stop Rape Campaign in the school curriculum. Mbuyiselo Botha elaborates.
SAFM News: Sonke’s Call for Stop Rape Campaign to be Included in School Curriculum
Sonke’s Mbuyiselo Botha on Igagasi FM’s Viewpoint Talk Show
Acting Director for Gender, Health and Justice Research Unit from the University of Cape Town, Kelley Moult and Sonke’s Mbuyiselo Botha are featured on this programme, discussing South Africa’s increasing level of crimes against women and children.
Sonke on Igagasi FM News
The Sonke Gender Justice Network says inequalities and substance abuse is very much behind the drive of abuse of women and children.
Sonke’s Dumisani Rebombo on CNBC Africa regarding his work as a gender activist
Sonke’s Dumisani Rebombo took part in a gang rape when he was only 15 years old and he would go on to spend much of his adult life as a gender activist trying to change the minds of other men and prevent rape.
Sonke’s Dumisani Rebombo on CNBC Africa his work as a gender activist
Mbuyiselo Botha on Ukhozi FM about Oscar Pistorius’ alleged shooting of Reeva Steenkamp
On Ukhozi FM, 15 Feb 2013: Sonke’s Mbuyiselo Botha reacts to the arrest of Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius for allegedly shooting dead his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.
Mbuyiselo Botha on Ukhozi FM about Oscar Pistorius’ Alleged Shooting of Reeva Steenkamp
Violence Against Women Must be Condemned Regardless of Perpetrator’s Status
Lotus FM, 15 February 2013: Oscar Pistorius will plead not guilty to a charge of pre-meditated murder. His agent says the Paralympian is disputing the murder charge against him in the strongest possible terms. Sonke says violence against women must be condemned irrespective of the status of the perpetrator.
Sonke on Lotus FM News: Violence Against Women Must be Condemned Regardless of Perpetrator’s Status
Lisa Vetten and Mbuyiselo Botha on SAFM’s Afternoon Talk
Sonke’s Lisa Vetten and Mbuyiselo Botha, and Tiny Moloko from POWA, discuss the appalling rape and mutilation of a Bredasdorp teen, who died on Saturday 2 February 2013.
Sonke’s Dumisani Rebombo talks to Special Assignment on SABC3
Dumisani appeared on SABC3’s Special Assignment, talking about Sonke’s work with men and boys in South Africa’s townships.
My Dad Can and Brothers for Life to be featured on Talk SA
Talk SA is airing a Male Role Models episode on Tuesday 31 July, featuring Ompile who nominated his father Philly in the My Dad Can Campaign.
The show will also be encouraging viewers to vote for their role models in the Brothers for Life campaign.
Date: 31 July (Tuesday)
Time: 11:20am
Channel: SABC2