Sonke Gender Justice

Day 2 of MenEngage Africa workshop on GBV in conflict and post-conflict settings

The second day of MenEngage Africa‘s workshop, hosted in partnership with Tearfund, on The Role of faith-based organisations (FBOs) in Conflict and Post-Conflict Intervention, is now underway.

The workshop aims to find concrete ways in which MenEngage Africa partners can assume an advocacy role to prevent sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls during times of conflict, working together with the faith community. It also aims to find ways of how to help facilitate and support efforts to bring about change and healing in countries that have experienced from conflict on the African continent.

In conflict countries, women are the worst affected. They bear the brunt of it because when war comes, they often become targets of sexual violence, their husbands and children may be killed – leaving them without support, and they are themselves the majority of casualties of war. Women make up 80% of those who have to flee their homes.

Today’s (19 April 2016) session will address the theme: Impact and Response to violence in conflict and post-conflict settings. The key question that will be explored is: How can faith communities respond to issues of violence in these settings?

View a gallery of photographs from the event here.