Sonke Gender Justice

Dorothea Ernest, co-ordinator of MenEngage Tanzania shares her experiences of the Women’s Health, Masculinities and Empowerment course

The Women’s Health, Masculinities and Empowerment short course that we are running in Kenya, Nairobi, in partnership with Sonke Gender Justice and the UCGHI Center of Expertise on Women’s Health and Empowerment is quickly coming to an end.

Over the last few days, we’ve been bringing you reports of participants’ own impressions of what the course is teaching them. Today, we start with Dorothea Ernest, Monitoring & Evaluation and MenEngage Tanzania co-ordinator.

Here, she shares what stood out for her on Tuesday, 08th September:

Dorothea ErnestThe leadership session was great. It is important because, somehow or somewhere, everyone is a leader. Therefore, it is important for me as I understood the characteristics of leadership and who is a good leader. The difference between leadership and management were essential because many a times we think that leadership is management – and if you are the manager, you can be a good leader, while it’s not the case. My work will gain from this topic because after I understood the topic, I shall improve my leadership performance as I refer to horizontal leadership and share knowledge with others.