Sonke Gender Justice

Gender justice: “We need to believe in the miracle of change”

A review of faith-based organisations’ work on gender justice in Southern Africa has resulted in a commitment by 50 church leaders from 10 countries to work together to overcome barriers that are limiting the churches’ response. The commitment was made at a Gender and Faith Symposium organised by Christian Aid and Sonke Gender Justice as part of the growing international Side by Side by Side Movement.

“We really need to believe in the miracle of change”, Bishop Margaret Vertue of False Bay in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, said. “We are trapped in the realities of gender inequality and gender-based violence. We look the other way or pay lip service but we need to live out the change we want to see.

“The problem is not the problem! It’s our attitude to the problem that gets in the way,” she told symposium.

Read the full article here.