Sonke Gender Justice

Sonke Co-Founder in meeting with Organization for Security Co-operation in Europe

Executive Director and Co-Founder of Sonke Gender Justice, Dean Peacock participates in a meeting hosted by the OSCE – The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe on the topic “Gender Equality; Focus on Violence against Women and the Role of Men and Boys”.

The meeting will be held as follows:

DATE: Tuesday, 19 April 2016
TIME: 2 p.m.
VENUE: Ratsaal, Vienna.

See below the meeting’s draft agenda:

  1. Main topic: “Gender Equality; Focus on Violence against Women and the Role of Men and Boys”
    • H. E. Mr. Sauli Niinistö, The President of the Republic of Finland (via video).
    • Ms Melanne Ververr, Ambassador, Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office on Gender Issues: “The Role of Men and Boys in Combating Violence Against Women: Why it Matters”.
    • Ms. Maaike van Adrichem, Adviser on Gender Issues, Gender Section of the OSCE Secretariat: “Combatting Violence Against Women in the OSCE Region: Bringing Security Home”.
    • Mr. Dean Peacock, Founding Director of Sonke Gender Justice and co-chair of the MenEngage Alliance: “Engaging Men and Boys to End Violence Against Women and Promote Gender Equality”.
    • Mr. Niklas Bruun, Professor of Law in Hanken School of Economics, Member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW): “The International Instruments for Elimination of Violence Against Women and Their Implementation”.
  2. Preparation of and follow-up to Human Dimension events
  3. Voluntary reports by the participating States on implementation of commitments and follow-up to recommendations
    • Turkmenistan: Ms. Shemshat Atajanova, Head of the Democracy and Human Rights Issues Department of the National Institute of Democracy and Human Rights under the President
      of Turkmenistan:”Gender Issues in Turkmenistan”.
    • Austria: Mrs. Katja Gerstmann, Administrator at the Department of International and EU Affairs of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs: “Combatting Gender Stereotypes”.
  4. Briefing by OSCE Executive Structures
    • Ms. Graziella Pavone, Human Rights Officer, HRD/ODIHR: “ODIHR HRD/Human Rights, Gender and Security Programme and Plans in Relation to the Implementation of the
      UNSCR 1325 in OSCE participating States”.
  5. AOB