Sonke Gender Justice

Taxi drivers to steer campaign to protect women commuters

The article below appeared on Cape Talk, 11 August 2016
By Omogolo Taunyane

A campaign between Sonke Gender Justice and the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) aims to make taxis and taxi ranks safer for women.

The initiative, called Safe Ride, seeks to raise awareness about sexual harassment and violence among men and women.

In 2012, a video circulated of two young women being taunted by taxi drivers at Noord Taxi Rank in Johannesburg CBD because of the length of their skirts.

702/Cape Talk’s Eusebius McKaiser (standing in for Redi Tlhabi) spoke to Nonhlanhla Skosana from Sonke Gender Justice about the campaign.

The campaign will be launched at Bree Taxi Rank on 17th August, 2016.