Sonke Gender Justice


“Be ever vigilant, hold governments accountable, struggle for peace & justice. Do not let up for a moment”.

These words by Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first democratically-elected president, prove to be so relevant today as South Africa battles for its soul, which is being gluttonously consumed by rampant corruption, lawlessness and social ills that cripple our society.

Sonke Gender Justice stands in solidarity with civil society, labour, business, the religious community, citizens and other formations as they raise voices to #SaveSouthAfrica. Enough is enough!

We need clean, accountable, progressive leadership to take us forward as a nation. Leadership that will not act in a manner that mocks and insults efforts of the founding heroes and heroines of our democracy and the unsung men and women who have given their lives fighting for freedom, justice, equality and emancipation of the down-trodden.

Let us rise to #SaveSouthAfrica from the imminent rot!
